00README.TXT - ISIS 2/CEP - DKB - August 10, 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------ NSSDC-ID: 71-024A-07A Size: 305,109 KBytes Time Period: 1971-Apr-14 to 1973-Mar-31 Time Resolution: 6 seconds Format: ASCII This data set includes the archived data from the Cylindrical Electrostatic Probe (CEP) experiment on the ISIS-2 satellite. ISIS-2 was launched on 1971-04-01 into a circular orbit at about 1400 km with an inclination of 88.1 degrees. It's payload included sweep- and fixed-frequequency ionosondes, a VLF receiver, energetic and soft particle detectors, an ion mass spectrometer, an retarding potential analyzer, a radio beacon, a cosmic radio noise experiment, photometers (3914, 5577, and 6300 Angstrom) and the CEP. A tape recorder with 1-h capacity was included on the satellite. Data were also collected during overflights of several telemetry stations. The telemetry stations were in areas that provided primary data coverage near the 80-deg-W meridian and in areas near Hawaii, Singapore, Australia, the UK, Norway, India, Japan, Antarctica, New Zealand, and Central Africa. The data set provides electron density and temperature values as deduced from the CEP ampere-voltage curves. The time resolution is typically 6 seconds. The format description of the ASCII data set is as follows (there is an additional blank space, 1X, between consecutive parameters for reading convenience): identification format units Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- year i2 day of year i3 hour i2 GMT minute i2 GMT second i2 GMT milliseconds i3 GMT local time f5.2 decimal hours GMT time f6.3 decimal hours magnetic local time f5.2 decimal hours geodetic latitude f6.2 degrees geodetic longitude f6.1 degrees geomagnetic latitude f6.2 degrees geomagnetic longitude f6.1 degrees invariant latitude f6.2 L value f6.2 altitude f6.1 km magnetic inclination (dip) f6.2 degrees dip latitude f6.2 degrees solar zenith angle f7.2 degrees velocity angle f6.2 magnetic field angle f6.2 Sun angle f6.2 Ap index (3 hour) i3 [newly added parameter] Kp index (3 hour) i2 *10 4o = 4.0, 4+ = 4.3, 4- = 3.7 examp.: 3- = 27, 3+ = 33 [newly added parameter] F10.7 (solar radio flux, daily) i4 *10 [newly added parameter] sunspot number (daily) i3 [newly added parameter] electron temperature e12.6 K electron density e12.6 cm-3 confidence value (Te) f5.2 satellite potential f5.2 mV probe (0-bottom, 1-top) i1 orbit number i6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill values: Using '9' for all digits, e.g., Ap index (i3) - 999, solar zenith angle (f7.2) - 9999.99, electron temperature - 9.999999E+09 Note that an FTPHelper interface to this dataset, providing data subsetting and and graphical browsing, is available at http://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftpbrowser/ftphelper.html ------------------------------------------------------- Data contact: Dieter.Bilitza-1@nasa.gov> NASA Official: Dr. Robert McGuire