ISEE 3 Triaxial Helium Magnetometer: 0.16sec_ascii_gz data
Old ID: 78-079A-02R
These data are the highest-time-resolution data available from this instrument.
The data are separated into four files per day, each with the date (YYDDD) and starting
hour (00, 06, 12, or 18) embedded in the data file name. The ASCII files were compressed
using gzip, and must be de-compressed before using. Some or all files from any particular
day may be absent due to absence of data. Files are located in yearly sub-directories.
The data items, in order, are:
Year (2-digit)
Day of year (Jan. 1 is 001)
Hour (0 - 23)
Minute (0 - 59)
Seconds (0 - 59.999)
BX (nT)
BY (nT)
BZ (nT)
BT (nT)
The magnetic field is in Solar Ecliptic coordinates, where +Z is the northward
perpendicular to the Ecliptic and +X is in the direction from the spacecraft
to the Sun. BT is the field magnitude; since these data are not averaged, BT
is just the magnitude of the vector (BX,BY,BZ).
When using these data in any publication, please acknowledge the Principal
Investigator, E. J. Smith, and the National Space Science Data Center.
These data, in ASCII format compressed by gzip, were converted to ASCII by
NSSDC from the original UCLA flat-file pair format (binary data file and short
ASCII header file). Software provided by J. Wolf of the PI team was used in
making the conversion, but was modified for use in the NSSDC system, and for
certain other changes in accessing the data and in selecting data intervals
for output.
These data were separated by NSSDC into 1/4 - day files, with names that
denote the year, day of year and the starting hour:
i3_84321_18.txt.gz, for example, denotes ISEE3 data, from year 1984, day
321, and hour 18. Note that hours here range from 0 through 23.
Note that this data set does not contain any spacecraft position information. There is an
ephemeris data set available at
that has spacecraft position at approximately hourly intervals throughout the spacecraft lifetime.
The Readme documentation for this data set is at
For complete information about the three ISEE spacecraft and all their experiments see the
NSSDC space physics web pagee
at, and select the desired
spacecraft from the list below the text, or select one of the specialized
data-access systems in the browser-expandable upper panel.
Original: hkh, 04/12/00
Updated: hkh, 8/09/02