INSTRUMENT: LANL Fast Plasma & Solar Wind: DATA SET: xfan_ascii NSSDC ID: SPMS-00148 OLD NSSDC ID: 77-102A-01N Cross-fan analyzer. Solar wind data for solar wind seasons June/July through December/January of years 1977 - 1983 (in some years the season extends into the following January). Last date: Jan. 28, 1984. Time resolution is 24 or 48 seconds. Data parameters are: the proton density, bulk flow speed, flow azimuth, flow latitude, the minimum proton temperature, and the alpha/proton fraction. A data inventory is available, listing the days for which at least some data exist. The data files are contained in directories named for the year of the data. Each file contain data for one day. Because there is solar wind data for only about 6-7 months of the year (roughly June/July through December/January), there are only about 200 one-day files for any year, not 365. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVENTORY for these data is available at . The inventory is about 18 pages of ASCII text, with a line for each day for which there are data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION for these data is available at . The documentation is about two pages of ASCII text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE is available for these data as follows: XFAN_LIST is a Fortran source program that runs on a VAX/VMS system. It reads the data files and writes to the screen with each 85-byte input record displayed in two lines, to accommodate screens with limited line size. Available at . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descriptions from the NSSDC Master Catalog are available as follows: ISEE three-spaecraft mission: . ISEE 1: . Experiment: . Data set: . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last revised May 17, 2002 HKH