Availability: Exclusively CDAW Proprietary Data - Contact Agent for More Information
Time span: 1977-12-01 to 1977-12-02
This data set is proprietary and not for distribution. It is submitted by experimenters to NSSDC for the purpose of the Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops (CDAW). The data sets submitted for CDAW are usually small, and the time coverage is usually scanty within the time span indicated. However, this data set (or part of it) may be provided to the general science community through an online data set in CDF format. For more detailed description, as well as access information, please contact the NSSDC Request Coordination Office at request@mail630.gsfc.nasa.gov.
These experimenter-supplied, energetic particles data are on binary magnetic tape created on a CDC 6600 computer. The data are unblocked with a logical record of 11 60-bit words. Each record contains satellite identification (1=ISEE 1; 2=ISEE 2); time in seconds of year 1977; geocentric distance in thousandths of earth radii; electron rates (17.5-38 keV and 80-134 keV) in counts/second; and proton rates (27-47 keV and 132-220 keV) in counts/second. The tapes also contain data for ISEE 1 (77-102A-09A). This data set was submitted for input to Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops and consequently only contains discrete periods during the time interval covered.
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Dr. H. Kent Hills.
Name | Role | Original Affiliation | |
Dr. James G. Williams | General Contact | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory | jwilliams@mail2.jpl.nasa.gov |