/data/imp/imp8/mag/15s_ascii/00readme.txt NSSDC Data Set ID: SPHE-00861 Old NSSDC ID: 73-078A-01O This directory consists of annual subdirectories containing daily files of 15.36-sec magnetic field data. Each such annual subdirectory also contains a subdirectory of daily attribute files. An ASCII data set was created by NSSDC in the early 1990's, in consultation with the GSFC IMP magnetometer team, by selecting only the most frequently used words from the 68-word records of the PI-provided binary data set. It was recreated in 2002 to: replace 2-character year fields with 4-character fields; replace "SQRT(variance)" values with "variance" values; fix certain pre-data-gap spacecraft position errors; fix end-of-day record dropping problems of NSSDC's initial dataset creation software. The recreated data set replaced the initial version in this ftp area in early 2003. Note that an FTPHelper interface to this dataset, providing data subsetting and and graphical browsing, is available at "https://omniweb.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftpbrowser/" In mid-2003, NSSDC created an hourly-averaged version of this 15-s data set; it is available from ftp://nssdcftp.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacecraft_data/imp/imp8/mag/1hr_ascii/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Related data and directories: SPDF Data and Orbits Services -------------- SPDF Contact: Natalia Papitashvili , Please acknowledge NASA's Space Physics Data Facility for data usage. Authorizing NASA Official: Dr. R.E. McGuire, Head, SPDF, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 301-286-7794, e-mail: Robert.E.McGuire@nasa.gov -----------------------------------------------------------------------