IMP 8 MERGE 20sec Resolution Data

Description of the four IMP 8 instruments whose data are included in the MERGE data set


The IMP 8 satellite was launched on 26 October 1973 into a nearly circular orbit about the Earth at a radius ~35 Earth radii. IMP 8 spends 60+% of each orbit in the solar wind, with the rest of the time in the magnetosheath/magnetosphere. It is a spin-stabilized spacecraft, with its spin vector nearly perpendicular to the ecliptic plane and a spin rate of 24 rpm.

The purpose of the MERGE program is to combine or merge data from four instruments on IMP 8. A so-called MERGE record contains these data on a time resolution of 20 seconds. The four IMP 8 experiments whose data are part of the MERGE data set include two energetic charged particle measurement instruments, a magnetic field measurement instrument, and a solar wind plasma measurement instrument. Brief descriptions of the four experiments are given below.


The following sections I-IV contain summary information for the four instruments whose data are contained in a MERGE record. Instrument summary descriptions are adapted from those on file at NSSDC site IMP 8 Project Information.


  2. Current P.I.: S. M. Krimigis (JHU/APL) JHU/APL IMP 8 CPME and EPE Home Page
    (CPME data used: 20.48 sec. time res.)

    CPME Summary Description:
    Three solid-state detectors in an anticoincidence plastic scintillator observe electrons between 0.2 and 2.5 MeV; protons between 0.3 and 500 MeV; alpha particles between 2.0 and 200 MeV; heavy particles with Z values ranging from 2 to 5 with energies greater than 8 MeV; heavy particles with Z values ranging between 6 and 8 with energies greater than 32 MeV; and integral protons and alphas of energies greater than 50 MeV/nucleon, all with dynamic ranges of 1 to 1E+06 particles per (sq cm-s-sr). Five thin-window Geiger-Mueller tubes observe electrons of energy greater than 15 keV, protons of energy greater than 250 keV, and X-rays with wavelengths between 2 and 10 A, all with a dynamic range of 10 to 1E+08 per (sq cm-s-sr). Particles and X-rays, primarily of solar origin, are studied, but the dynamic range and resolution of the instrument also permits observation of cosmic rays and magnetotail particles.

    Further Information:
    (i) Sarris, E. T. et al., J. Geophys. Res., v. 81, p. 2341, 1976.
    (ii) T. P. Armstrong et al., J. Geophys. Res., v. 83, p. 5198, 1978.


  4. Current P.I.: D.J. Williams (JHU/APL) JHU/APL IMP 8 CPME and EPE Home Page
    (EPE data used: approx. 20 sec. time res.)

    EPE Summary Description:
    The purposes of this investigation are (1) to study the propagation characteristics of solar cosmic rays through the interplanetary medium over the energy ranges indicated below, (2) to study electron and proton fluxes throughout the geomag netic tail and near the flanks of the magnetosphere, and (3) to study the entry of solar cosmic rays into the magnetosphere. The instrumentation consists of a three-element telescope using fully depleted surface-barrier solid-state detectors and a magnet to deflect electrons. Two side-mounted detectors are used to measure the deflected electrons. Two additional detectors in separate mounts are used to measure charged particles above 15 keV (detector F), Z greater than or equal to 2 above 0.6 MeV (detector G1) and above 1.0 MeV (detector G2), and Z greater than or equal to 3 above 2.0 MeV (detector G3). The telescope measures protons in three ranges between 2.1 and 25 MeV; Z greater than or equal to 1 in three ranges between 0.05 and 2.1 MeV; alpha particles between 8.4 and 35.0 MeV in two ranges; Z greater than or equal to 2 between 2.2 and 8.4 MeV; and a background channel. Deflected electrons are measured in two ranges between 30 and 200 keV.

    Further Information:
    D. J. Williams, NOAA Technical Report ERL 393-SEL 40, October 1977.


  6. Current P.I.: R. P. Lepping (NASA/GSFC) IMP 8 Magnetometer Home Page
    Original data source: NSSDC IMP 8 DATA Availability (MAG data used: 15.36 sec. time res.)

    MAG Summary Description:
    This experiment consists of a boom-mounted triaxial flux- gate magnetometer designed to study the interplanetary and geomagnetic tail magnetic fields. Each sensor has three dynamic ranges of plus or minus 12, plus or minus 36, and plus or minus 108 nT. With the aid of a bit compaction scheme (delta modulation), 25 vector measurements are made and telemetered per second. The experiment operated normally from launch until mid-1975. On July 11, 1975, because of a range indicator problem, the experiment operation was frozen into the 36-nT range. The digitization accuracy in this range is about plus or minus 0.3 nT. On March 23, 1978, the sensor flipper failed. After that time, alternative methods of Z-axis sensor zero-level determination were required.


  8. Current P.I.: A. J. Lazarus (MIT) MIT Space Plasma Group IMP 8 Home Page
    Original data source: Fine Resolution Data (PLS data used: approx. 1 min. time res.)

    PLS Summary Description:
    A modulated split-collector Faraday cup, perpendicular to the spacecraft spin axis, is used to study the directional intensity of positive ions and electrons in the solar wind, transition region, and magnetotail. Electrons are studied in eight logarithmically equispaced energy channels between 17 eV and 7 keV. Positive ions are studied in eight channels between 50 eV and 7 keV. A spectrum is obtained every eight spacecraft revolutions. Angular information is obtained in either 15 equally spaced intervals during a 360-deg revolution of the satellite or in 15 angular segments centered more closely about the spacecraft-sun line.

Description of the MERGE data set

The IMP/Merge data set was initially created at JHU/APL and provided to NSSDC in VAX/binary format on CD-Recordable disks with 12 days of data per 88MB data file. It is well described at

NSSDC has converted the data as provided to an ASCII format, and has created 1-day 16MB files instead of maintaining the 12 day/file convention of JHU/APL. Finally, NSSDC compressed these files using gzip in a UNIX environment to create 1-2 MB files for loading to NDADS for electronic access from NSSDC. The format statement given below is for the ASCII version of the data set.

The FORTRAN Format statment for reading of these ASCII files is:
FORMAT(7I3,I5,I4,3I3,10I8,4F8.2,3I8,3F7.3,252(E9.2), 40F8.2,81(E10.2),I2,3F7.1,1PE9.2,3F7.1,5I2,7I7)`

Data and Format Description

- Logical record = 3706 bytes + Cr/Lf.
- There are 425 data items per record and 4320 rec/day.

1 I3 Record time-average format:
#1 = averaging interval in units of 20.48 seconds
(e.g., for 5-minute averages, #1 = 15.0)
2 I3 Data completeness flag:
indicates which data types are on present record:
#2 = 1.0 CPME
#2 = 2.0 MAG
#2 = 3.0 CPME, MAG only
#2 = 4.0 EPE
#2 = 5.0 CPME, EPE
#2 = 6.0 EPE, MAG
#2 = 7.0 EPE, MAG, CPME
#2 = 8.0 PLS
#2 = 9.0 PLS, CPME
#2 = 10.0 PLS, MAG
#2 = 11.0 PLS, CPME, MAG
#2 = 12.0 PLS, EPE
#2 = 13.0 PLS, EPE, CPME
#2 = 14.0 PLS, EPE, MAG
#2 = 15.0 PLS, EPE, MAG, CPME
#2 = 16.0-31.0 Other data present
3 I3 number of 20.48 second CPME averages merged in present record:
#3 can vary from 0.0 (i.e., No records -> fill) up to the amount in #1
4 I3 ignorethis word N/A
5 I3 number of ~20 second EPE records averaged in present record N/A
6 I3 number of ~1 minute PLS records in present record N/A
7 I3 number of other data records in this output record N/A
8 I5 year of record (4-digit, e.g. 1978.) N/A
9 I4 day of year (DOY) of record (Jan 1 = 1.0) N/A
10 I3 hour of day of record (0.0 - 23.0) N/A
11 I3 minute of hour of record (0.0 - 59.0) N/A
12 I3 second of minute of record (0.0 - 60.0) N/A
13 - 15 I8 spacecraft X-, Y-, Z-coords. in system GSE
(Geocentric Solar Ecliptic)
16 - 18 I8 spacecraft X-, Y-, Z-coords. in system GSM
(Geocentric Solar Ecliptic)
19 - 21 I8 spacecraft X-, Y-, Z-coords. in system GEI
(Geocentric Equatorial Inertial)
22 I8 spacecraft radial distance from Earth center kilometers
23 F8.2 spacecraft right ascension in system CI (Celestial Inertial) degrees
24 F8.2 spacecraft declination in system CI degrees
25 F8.2 right ascension of spacecraft velocity vector in system CI degrees
26 F8.2 declination of spacecraft velocity vector in system CI degrees
27 - 29 I8 Moon's X-, Y-, Z-coords. in system GSE kilometers
30 - 32 F7.3 Sun's X-, Y-, Z-coords. in system GEI AU
33 E9.2 P1 [protons, 0.29 - 0.50 MeV] counts/sec
34 E9.2 P2 [protons, 0.50 - 0.96 MeV] counts/sec
35 E9.2 P3 [protons, 0.96 - 2.00 MeV] counts/sec
36 E9.2 P4 [protons, 2.0 - 4.6 MeV] counts/sec
37 E9.2 P5 [protons, 4.6 - 15.0 MeV] counts/sec
38 E9.2 Z4 (for IMP 8) [ions (Z>=3), 6 - 105 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
39 E9.2 P7 [protons, 15 - 25 MeV] counts/sec
40 E9.2 P8 [protons, 25 - 48 MeV] counts/sec
41 E9.2 P9 [protons, 48 - 96 MeV] counts/sec
42 E9.2 P10 [protons, 96 - 145 MeV] counts/sec
43 E9.2 P11 [protons, 190 - 440 MeV] counts/sec
44 E9.2 A1 [alpha particles (Z=2), 0.59 - 1.14 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
45 E9.2 A2 [alpha particles (Z=2), 1.14 - 1.80 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
46 E9.2 A3 [alpha particles (Z=2), 1.8 - 4.2 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
47 E9.2 A4 [alpha particles (Z=2), 4.2 - 12.0 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
48 E9.2 A5 [alpha particles (Z=2), 12 - 28 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
49 E9.2 A6 [alpha particles (Z=2), 28 - 52 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
50 E9.2 Z1 [ions (Z>=3), 0.7 - 3.3 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
51 E9.2 Z1' (= Z1 - Z2) [ions (Z>=3), 0.70 - 1.45 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
52 E9.2 Z2 [ions (Z>=3), 1.45 - 3.30 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
53 E9.2 Z3 [ions (Z>=3), 3.1 - 8.8 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
54 E9.2 E4 [electrons, 0.22 - 2.5 MeV] counts/sec
55 E9.2 E5 [electrons, 0.50 - 2.5 MeV] counts/sec
56 E9.2 E6 [electrons, 0.80 - 2.5 MeV] counts/sec
57 E9.2 M [ions >35 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
58 E9.2 S [ions, >50 MeV/nuc] counts/sec
59 - 84 E9.2 uncertainties of #33 - #58 counts/sec
85 - 110 E9.2 number of records for #33 - #58 N/A
111 E9.2 P1 (first 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
112 E9.2 P2 (first 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
113 E9.2 P3 (first 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
114 E9.2 E4 (first 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
115 E9.2 E5 (first 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
116 E9.2 E6 (first 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
117 - 122 E9.2 Uncertainties of #111 - #116 counts/sec
123 - 128 E9.2 DQF's (Data Quality Flag) for #111 - #116 N/A
129 E9.2 P1 (second 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
130 E9.2 P2 (second 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
131 E9.2 P3 (second 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
132 E9.2 E4 (second 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
133 E9.2 E5 (second 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
134 E9.2 E6 (second 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
135 - 140 E9.2 uncertainties of #129 - #131 counts/sec
141 - 146 E9.2 DQF's for #129 - #134 N/A
147 - 154 E9.2 P1 sectors 1 - 8 (first 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
155 - 162 E9.2 uncertainties of #147 - #154 counts/sec
163 E9.2 DQF for #147 - #154 N/A
164 - 171 E9.2 P1 sectors 1 - 8 (second 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
172 - 179 E9.2 Uncertainties of #164 - #171 counts/sec
180 E9.2 DQF for #164 - #171 N/A
181 - 188 E9.2 E4 sectors 1 - 8 (first 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
189 - 196 E9.2 uncertainties of #181 - #188 counts/sec
197 E9.2 DQF for #181 - #188 N/A
198 - 205 E9.2 E4 sectors 1 - 8 (second 10.24 seconds of this interval) counts/sec
206 - 213 E9.2 uncertainties of #198 - #205 counts/sec
214 E9.2 DQF for #198 - #205 N/A
215 - 222 E9.2 A1 sectors 1 - 8 counts/sec
223 - 230 E9.2 uncertainties of #215 - #222 counts/sec
231 E9.2 DQF for #215 - #222 N/A
232 - 239 E9.2 A3 sectors 1 - 8 counts/sec
240 - 247 E9.2 uncertainties of #232 - #239 counts/sec
248 E9.2 DQF for #232 - #239 N/A
249 - 256 E9.2 Z1 sectors 1 - 8 counts/sec
257 - 264 E9.2 uncertainties of #249 - #256 counts/sec
265 E9.2 DQF for #249 - #256 N/A
266 - 273 E9.2 Z2 sectors 1 - 8 counts/sec
274 - 281 E9.2 uncertainties of #266 - #273 counts/sec
282 E9.2 DQF for #266 - #273 N/A
283 E9.2 spacecraft clock sec
284 E9.2 pseudo sequence counter N/A
1. Interpolated (weighted-average) MAG data
285 - 287 F8.2 magnetic field vector components Bx, By, Bz in system GSE nT (nanotesla)
288 F8.2 average vector field magnitude nT
289 F8.2 Colatitude(as measered from +Z axis) of vector-average magnetic field in system GSE degrees
290 F8.2 longitude of vector-average magnetic field in system GSE degrees
291 - 296 F8.2 uncertainties of #285 - #290 as applicable
297 F8.2 average of field magnitudes performed over record interval N/A
298 - 300 F8.2 magnetic field vector components Bx, By, Bz in system GSM nT
301 F8.2 latitude of vector-average magnetic field in system GSM degrees
302 F8.2 longitude of vector-average magnetic field in system GSM degrees
2. Raw average MAG data
303 F8.2 number of 15.36 sec. MAG records
used in interpolation (0.0 - 3.0)
304 F8.2 offset time for first MAG record:
MAG record time - CPME record time
305 - 307 F8.2 Bx, By, Bz (GSE) from first MAG record nT
308 - 310 F8.2 rms uncertainties of #305 - #307 nT
311 F8.2 offset time for second MAG record sec
312 - 314 F8.2 Bx, By, Bz (GSE) from second MAG record nT
315 - 317 F8.2 rms uncertainties of #312 - #314 nT
318 F8.2 offset time for third MAG record sec
319 - 321 F8.2 Bx, By, Bz (system GSE) from third MAG record nT
322 - 324 F8.2 rms uncertainties of #319 - #321 nT
325 - 340 E10.2 L1, sectors 1 - 16 [ions (Z>=1), 0.05 - 0.22 MeV/nuc] counts
341 - 356 E10.2 L2, sectors 1 - 16 [ions (Z>=1), 0.22 - 0.80 MeV/nuc] counts
357 - 372 E10.2 F, sectors 1 -16 [electrons and ions (Z>=1), >0.015 MeV/nuc] counts*
373 - 388 E10.2 L7, sectors 1 - 16 [electrons, 0.03 - 0.10 MeV] counts*
389 - 404 E10.2 L8, sectors 1 - 16 [electrons, 0.10 - 0.20 MeV] counts*
405 E10.2 EPE offset time: EPE record time - CPME record time sec
*The oder of counts shownis for 1990 and later. For 1973-1989 the order is L7(words 357-372), L8(words 373-388) and F(words 389-404).
406 I2 Source identification for plasma data:
#406 = 1.0 MIT, acquisition mode
#406 = 2.0 MIT, tracking mode
#406 = 3.0 MIT, non-tracking mode
#406 = 4.0 MIT, no data
#406 = 5.0 LANL data
407 F7.1 PLS offset time: PLS record time - CPME record time sec
408 F7.1 raw averaging interval for PLS records sec
409 F7.1 solar wind flow speed km/sec
410 E9.2 solar wind plasma temperature K
411 F7.1 solar wind plasma ion number density ions/cc
412 F7.1 solar wind flow latitude (>0 from South of Sun) degrees
413 F7.1 solar wind flow longitude (>0 from West of Sun) degrees
414 - 418 I2 for MIT high-res. data, DQFs for #409 - #413, e.g.:
#409 = 0.0 bad data
#409 = 1.0 good data
419 I7 Kp index N/A
420 I7 AE index N/A
421 I7 C9 index N/A
422 I7 Dst index N/A
423 I7 Sunspot index N/A
424 - 425 I7 Spares N/A

If you have any comments about IMP-8 service, contact: Dr. Natalia Papitashvili,, Mail Code 672, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA

NASA Official: Robert E McGuire,