Availability: Exclusively CDAW Proprietary Data - Contact Agent for More Information
Time span: 1977-07-28 to 1977-12-12
These experimenter-supplied, 163.84-s plasma data are on binary magnetic tape created on a Univac 418 computer. A logical record contains 300 Univac 36-bit words. There are 10 logical records per physical record. The data consist of spacecraft identification (7= IMP-H, 8= IMP-J); time in year, day, hour, minute, and second; solar ecliptic and magnetospheric coordinates; energy range flag; magnetic field coordinates; and the following information for both plasma proton and electron data: number and energy flux; number and energy density; average energy; bulk flow velocity; velocity uncertainty; temperature; and percentage of energy coverage. This data set is identical to the data set -04B, except that the tape containing the latter includes data from other spacecraft.
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Dr. H. Kent Hills.
Name | Role | Original Affiliation | |
Dr. Kent L. Ackerson | General Contact | University of Iowa | ackerson@iowasp.physics.uiowa.edu |