Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)
Time span: 1969-06-21 to 1972-12-24
This experimenter-supplied data set contains solar proton and alpha particle count rate data for the entire life of the mission on binary, IBM 360 tapes. Each tape is blocked with 20 logical records per physical record. Each logical record has 176 32-bit words. ID records and data records are interspersed on the tapes. There is one ID record for a given segment of data as obtained by one tracking station during one spacecraft pass over that station. The logical record contents include time, data quality indicators, dead-time corrected count rates obtained from all the detector readings taken during a 2.73-min interval, and orbit data.
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.
Name | Role | Original Affiliation | |
Dr. Carl O. Bostrom | General Contact | Applied Physics Laboratory | |
Mr. Jack L. Gunther | Data Provider | Applied Physics Laboratory | gunther@jhuapl.jhu.edu |