Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)
Time span: 1967-05-26 to 1968-06-17
This experimenter-supplied data set contains low-energy proton and electron count rate data BCD magnetic tapes. Each record contains data for one full Low-Energy Proton and Electron Differential Energy Analyzer (LEPEDEA) cycle (5.8 min). These data include count rates for each of 15 energy windows for each of four angular sectors. The data also contain energy bandpass fluxes and integral fluxes for each sector, energy window, and species. Sectored Geiger-Mueller tube count rates and background LEPEDEA count rates are also given. Supporting data found in each record include LEPEDEA look-direction information and spacecraft ephemeris information. Look-direction information consists of right ascension and declination given in GSM, GSE, and geocentric equatorial inertial coordinate systems. The angle between the magnetic vector and the field of view is also given. Spacecraft ephemeris information includes geographic latitude, longitude, and radial distance; B, L, and related variables; right ascension and declination; GSM, GSE, and celestial inertial coordinates; and geographic and geomagnetic local times. Further data relate to spacecraft spin rate and direction, sun direction, housekeeping parameters, etc.
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.
Name | Role | Original Affiliation |
Brecht, J. J., Low-energy proton and electron differential energy analyzer (LEPEDEA) (67-051A-04), experiment section, NASA-GSFC, NSSDC, Unnumbered, Greenbelt, MD, Aug. 1971.