aareadme file at ftp/spacecraft_data/explorer/explorer35/plasma_probe/3-min_interplanetary_plasma_param/old/aareadme_v2.txt ------------------------------------------------------------ This directory provides access to 1967 and 1968 files of 3-min plasma parameter data in ASCII format, from the MIT Faraday Cup flown on Explorer 35. This ASCII data set was created by GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility in 2010 as "Version 2" from the "Version 1" data set also contained in this directory. See higher level aareadme for the differences among Version 1, 2 and 3 data sets. The format of the ASCII data set is: Word number Format Description 1 I4 Year (1967,1968) 2 I4 Day of year(1-366) 3 I3 Hour of day (0 . 23) 4 I3 Minute of hour (0 . 59) 5 I3 Second of minute (0 . 59) 6 I7 Spacecraft counter value 7 F6.1 Ion density (number/cc) 8 I4 aberrated flow speed (km/s) 9 F6.1 Aberrated flow longitude (deg) (see note) 10 F6.1 Aberrated flow latitude (deg) (see note) 11 I4 Thermal speed (km/s) 12-13 2F6.1 Flow angles, spacecraft coords, not normally used 14 F6.1 True longitude of flow (see note) 15 F6.1 True latitude of flow (see note) 16 I6 True flow speed 17 F6.1 Solar ecliptic longitude of s/c spin axis 18 F6.1 Solar ecliptic latitude of s/c spin axis 19-21 3F8.3 S/C position X,Y,Z in GSE, Re 22-24 3F8.3 S/C position X,Y,Z in SSE, see notes below Note: Flow angles give the GSE directions from which the flow comes. "Aberrated" directions are as observed. "True" directions are with the 30 km/s motion of the Earth (and its orbiting spacecraft) about the sun removed. Note: SSE coordinates are Selenocentric Solar Ecliptic, having its X axis from the moon to the sun and Z axis normal to the ecliptic plane, positive northward. Components are given in units of lunar radii. Note: The GSE and SSE position vectors were taken from the 81.92s- resolution Explorer 35 magnetic field data set accessible from https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/explorer/explorer35/ gsfc_magnetometer/82s_mag_data_ascii/. The position vectors we added to the 3-min plasma records had the first 81.92s time stamp following the 3m time stamp of the plasma record, as long as the former was not more than 3 minutes later than the latter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------