00readme.txt for or
Posted May 17, 2005
Updated November 18, 2013
IMAGE - Imager for Magnetosphere-to-Aurora Global Exploration
IMAGE was launched on March 25, 2000 into a 1000 km X 7.2 Re altitude polar orbit. On December 18, 2005 the IMAGE spacecraft ceased transmissions.
These directories contain the high resolution UDF data files for all of the instruments on IMAGE as well as Housekeeping and Orbit data and plasma parameter prediction ASCII tables. The UDF files are binary data requiring the UDF software. Please see the file "Reading_UDF_files.txt" for more information on reading UDF files.
-all contain UDF and CDF format data except where specified
CIPD/ CIDP - housekeeping data from the Central Interface Data Processor (CIDP, details at ). See the file "Housekeeping.txt" in this directory for more details.
EUV/ science data from the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager. EUV detects solar EUV photons that are resonantly scattered by singly ionized helium in the plasmasphere, the torus of cold dense plasma surrounding the Earth in the inner magnetosphere. See and
for more details.
FUV/ science data from the Far Ultraviolet Imager. FUV provides narrow-band imaging of far-ultraviolet auroral emissions excited by precipitating protons and electrons at 121.8 nm and 135.6 nm, respectively (Spectrographic Imager, SI); wide-band imaging of auroral band emissions from molecular nitrogen (Wide-field Imaging Camera, WIC); and measurement of geocoronal Lyman alpha emissions (GEO). See for more details.
HENA/ science data from the High Energy Neutral Atom Imager. HENA detects ENAs in the 10-500 keV energy range. See and
for more details.
LENA/ science data from the Low Energy Neutral Atom Imager. LENA detects ENAs with energies between 10 eV and 500 eV. See for more details.
MENA/ science data from the Medium Energy Neutral Atom Imager. MENA detects ENAs in the energy range 1-30 keV. See for more details.
ORBIT/ Orbit data.
RPI/ science data from the Radio Plasma Imager and plasma parameter prediction ASCII files. RPI is a low-power radar which operates in the radio frequency bands which contain the plasma resonance frequencies characteristic of the Earth's magnetophere (3 kHz to 3 MHz). See for more details.
Within the RPI/ subdirectory plasma_predict/ contains ASCII format daily plasma parameter tables with 4 minute time resolution. These tables include the spacecraft position in magnetic coordinates and modeled values for the local plasma conditions.
SC/ housekeeping and attitude data from the Spacecraft Control Unit. See the file "Housekeeping.txt" in this directory for more details.
attributes/ Attributes - file attributes for each data file in ASCII format
(see ftp://nssdcftp.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacecraft_data/attribute_files.txt)
Related data and directories:
Space Physics Data Facility(SPDF) Data and Orbit Services
NSSDC Master Catalog
IMAGE Science Center
IMAGE spacecraft site
IMAGE Software site
Neutral Atom Imager Descriptions
Please acknowledge NASA's Space Physics Data Facility and National Space Science Data Center, and the Principal Investigator for data usage.
Authorizing NASA Official: Dr. R.E. McGuire, Head, SPDF, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 301-286-7794, e-mail: Robert.E.McGuire@nasa.gov