IBEX Lo Maps ============ [12/27/2012. This file was taken from http://ibex.swri.edu/ibexpublicdata/Maps/Lo/Maps_Lo_description.txt. It references the first IBEX-Lo maps, built from data accumulated during 12/2008-6/2009 and made public as Release 1 from the IBEX team. JHK @ GSFC/SPDF] The three Lo ENA maps in this directory give the Hydrogen ENA flux as a function of J2000 ecliptic coordinates as seen by IBEX. The three maps correspond to energy bands 5-7. The maps were calculated using data from IBEX orbits 9-30. The map grid consists of 720 bins in longitude and 30 bins in latitude. As consecutive orbits differ in longitude by ~7 degrees, the bins in longitude are centered on the orbit longitude and the 0.5 degree bins are filled using a "nearest neighbor" method in the longitudinal direction. The maps were constructed only using data collected in times of clean sensor viewing. Because of the high background rate in the Background Monitor near the location of Sco X-1, the values of three pixels, all at the same ecliptic longitude, were calculated by hand and inserted into the .txt file. Sco X-1 affected data only in IBEX orbit 19. The .txt file consist of 30 rows of data, each with 720 columns. Row 1 corresponds to the North Ecliptic Pole, while row 30 corresponds to the South Ecliptic Pole. The columns start at ecliptic longitude 0 and step through to ecliptic longitude 360: the values of the first and last columns in each row are identical.