Directory description - gdfPressure: Globally Distributed Flux Line-of-Sight Integrated Pressure in pdyne-au/cm^2 -gdfSlope: Differential Flux Power-Law Slope and S/N of the Slope where noise represents uncertainty - gdfSN: Globally Distributed Flux Signal/Noise where Noise is defined as the uncertainty and the Signal is GDF Line-of-Sight -integrated pressure -ribbonPressure: Ribbon Line-of-Sight Integrated Pressure in pdyne-au/cm^2 -ribbonSN: Ribbon Signal/Noise where Noise is defined as the uncertainty and the Signal is GDF Line-of-Sight -integrated pressure -totPressure: Total Pressure in ENA maps including both the GDF and Ribbon. Line-of-Sight Integrated Pressure in pdyne-au/cm^2 - totSN: Total Pressure Signal-to-Noise where noise represents uncertainty and signal represents the total LOS-integrated pressure