This directory holds Release 2, Epoch 2 (06/2009-12/2009), Compton-Getting-corrected heliosphere-frame ENA flux maps and related files, in PNG format for viewing, for five IBEX-Hi energy bins (0.52-0.95, 0.84-1.55, 1.36-2.50, 1.99-3.75, 3.13-6.00 keV) and at each of six energy points (0.71, 1.11, 1.74, 2.73, 3.00 and 4.29 keV) For each energy bin, there are three PNG files: - the "fexp" file gives net exposure time per bin - the "flux" file gives the ENA flux per bin - the "numb" file gives the number of samples per bin For each of the six monoenergetic points, there are three files: - the "flux" file gives the ENA flux per bin - the "fsnr" file gives the S/N ratio of the flux per bin - the "fvar" file gives the variance of the flux per bin The images show color-coded intensities of the relevant parameter in 6 deg x 6 deg bins in J2000 ecliptic coordinates. Txt-formatted digital versions of the image data are available at See for further detail.