file Geotail 15sec solar wind magnetic field data This directory provides annual ASCII files of 15-sec-averaged, solar-wind-only, Geotail/MGF magnetic field data. This data set was created at GSFC/SPDF from 3-sec MGF data as part of an effort to create 1-min field-plasma-merged Geotail data as shifted to the Earth's bow shock nose. Despiking and the separation of the solar wind data from the time-continuous data stream are described at file This 15-s MGF data set is accessible with graphical display and parameter and time subsetting capabilities through the FTPBrowser interface at The contents and format of the data set's records are: Wd Format Fill values Parameters Units, Comments 1 I4 9999 Year 1995,1996,... 2 I4 999 Doy 1-366 3 I3 99 Hour 0-23 4 I3 99 Minute 0-59 5 I3 99 Second 0-59 6 I3 99 Nm, Number of mag field points 7 F8.2 9999.99 Field Magnitude Average <|B|>, nT 8 F8.2 9999.99 Bx GSE nT 9 F8.2 9999.99 By GSE nT 10 F8.2 9999.99 Bz GSE nT 11 F8.2 9999.99 X, GSE S/C position component, Re 12 F8.2 9999.99 Y, GSE " 13 F8.2 9999.99 Z, GSE " ---------------------------------------------------------- Related data and directories: SPDF Data and Orbits Services ------------------------------------------------------------------- SPDF Contact: Natalia Papitashvili ------------------------------------------------------------- Please acknowledge NASA's Space Physics Data Facility and and relevant scientists identified above for data usage. -------------------------------------------------------- Authorizing NASA Official: Robert.M.Candey, Head, SPDF, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center e-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------