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5.12 s Vector Magnetic Field Data


Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)

Time span: 1967-07-19 to 1971-12-30


This data set consists of experimenter-supplied, 5.12-s-averaged vector magnetic field data on binary magnetic tapes created on an IBM 7094 computer. Each physical record contains 2760 characters, of which the first 12 constitute a DCS control word. Each logical record contains 132 characters (for the first vector of an 82 s sequence) or 138 characters, of which the first six constitute a DCS control word. Data given within each logical record relate to a single magnetic vector measurement and include field magnitude, Cartesian components, and latitude and longitude angles in solar equatorial, GSM, and GSE coordinates.

There are data for several weeks on each tape, with no ephemeris data on any of the tapes. Two intervals of several hours each (13 October and 27 November 1967) have been found when, because of apparent keypunch errors in the experimenter's data processing cycle, the sign of Bz (and, hence, of the field latitude angle) is opposite what it should be. These errors appeared when comparing these data to the experimenter's IMP-D data and to data from the other IMP-D magnetometer. It is not known what percentage of the data is affected by similar errors, although this percentage is expected to be small.


  • National Space Science Data Center


  • Space Physics: Heliospheric Studies
  • Space Physics: Magnetospheric Studies


  • 67-070A-03D

Additional Information



Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.



NameRoleOriginal AffiliationE-mail
Dr. David S. ColburnData ProviderNASA Ames Research Center 

Selected References

Schatten, J. E., Ames magnetic fields (67-070A-03), NASA-GSFC, NSSDC, Unnumbered, Greenbelt, MD, Aug. 1971.

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