aareadme file at ftp/spacecraft_data/explorer/explorer33/plasma_probe/3-min_interplanetary_plasma_param/ ------------------------------------------------------------ This directory provides access to 1966-1971 annual files of 3-min plasma parameter data in ASCII format, from the MIT instrument flown on Explorer 33. In addition, the directory provides access to two subdirectories of the same data but as taken directly from magnetic tapes submitted to NSSDC in EBCDIC format years ago and ingested through NSSDC's DIOnAS process. The ASCII data set was created by GSFC's Space Physics Data Facility in 2008. The format of the ASCII data set is: FORMAT = (I4,F10.5,A4,I3,2I3.2,I7,F6.1,I4,2F6.1,I4,4F6.1,I4,2F6.1) Characters Format Description 1-4 I4 Year (1966 . 1971) 5-14 F10.5 Decimal day of year (Jan. 1 at 12UT is 0.5) 15-18 A4 Month (JAN . DEC) 19-21 I3 Day of month (1 . 31) 22-24 I3 Hour of day (0 . 23) 25-27 I3 Minute of hour (0 . 59) 28-34 I7 Spacecraft counter value 35-40 F6.1 Ion density (number/cc) 41-44 I4 Aberrated flow speed (km/s) 45-50 F6.1 Aberrated flow longitude (deg) (see note) 51-56 F6.1 Aberrated flow latitude (deg) (see note) 57-60 I4 Thermal speed (km/s) 61-72 2F6.1 Flow angles, spacecraft coords, not normally used 73-78 F6.1 True longitude of flow (see note) 79-84 F6.1 True latitude of flow (see note) 85-88 I4 True flow speed 89-94 F6.1 Solar ecliptic longitude of s/c spin axis 95-100 F6.1 Solar ecliptic latitude of s/c spin axis Note: Flow angles give the GSE directions from which the flow comes. "Aberrated" directions are as observed. "True" directions are with the 30 km/s motion of the Earth (and its orbiting spacecraft) about the sun removed. Note: As of this writing (October, 2008), Explorer 33 ephemeris data are neither contained in this plasma data set nor are they otherwise online at NSSDC or, to our knowledge, elsewhere. However NSSDC has such data still offline; they will be made network-accessible in due course, but if you have a desire to use them in support of these plasma data, call the NSSDC Director at 301-286-7355. The following material was created specifically in support of the EBCDIC data set in the subdirectories under this directory. The two subdirectories of this directory each has one tarred file and a subdirectory with one "attribute file" carrying technical information about the tarred file. One subdirectory is for data from mid-1966 to early-1970 and the other for early-1970 to late-1971. These tarred files were each made from one magnetic tape, where these two tapes had each been made by concatenating contents of multiple smaller-capacity, MIT-provided tapes. The data of the PI-supplied tapes were in ASCII-like EBCDIC form. Details of bit sequences in EBCDIC's 8-bit representations is available at http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nssdc/formats/EBCDIC_Codes.htm The 3-min-resolution data contained in each record are: time, ion density and thermal speed, and flow velocity vectors with and without the effects of aberration due to the Earth's ~30 km/s circumsolar motion. Details on the sequence and formats of the data words in the EBCDIC records is found at ftp://nssdcftp.gsfc.nasa.gov/staging/review_08/all_catalogs/dsc_0168.pdf ------------------------------------------------------