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5.12-Sec Vector Magnetic Field Data


Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)

Time span: 1966-07-01 to 1968-10-05


This data set consists of experimenter-supplied 5.12-s magnetic field vector data on IBM 360 binary magnetic tapes. Except at the end of a file, each physical record contains four logical records of 1080 bytes each. Each logical record contains data taken during one 81.92-s telemetry sequence. Included in each logical record are time (with January 1 as day 0) and 16 vector magnetic field measurements, with Cartesian components given in four coordinate systems (a system corotating with the spacecraft, a payload coordinate system with its Z axis along the spacecraft spin axis and its X axis in the plane defined by the spin axis and the satellite-sun line, GSE coordinates, and GSM coordinates). For the latter three coordinate systems, sequence averages for the components are given, and for the payload and GSE coordinate systems, standard deviations for the components are also given. In addition, 16 field magnitudes, the sequence-averaged magnitude, and the magnitude standard deviation are given. The latitude and azimuth angles of the sequence-averaged field vector are given in the payload and GSE coordinate systems. Supporting information found in each logical record includes times for the 16 field measurements, spin period, spin-axis direction, and spacecraft position in GSE and GSM coordinates. All data except the 13 16-element arrays of 5.12-s data have been transferred to data set 66-058A-01C. The data are at least 90% complete over the time period covered.


  • Space Physics: Heliospheric Studies
  • Space Physics: Magnetospheric Studies


  • 66-058A-01A

Additional Information



Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.



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Selected References

Scearce, C. S., et al., GSFC magnetic field experiment, Explorers 33 and 35, NASA-GSFC, X-616-69-53, Greenbelt, MD, Feb. 1969.

Behannon, K. W., et al., AIMP D and E magnetic field analysis, NASA-GSFC, X-616-68-382, Greenbelt, MD, Oct. 1968.

Mish, W. H., and H. E. Haney, AIMP information processing system software, NASA-GSFC, X-612-65-501, Greenbelt, MD, May 1966.

King, J. H., IMP series report/bibliography, NASA-GSFC, NSSDC 71-21, Greenbelt, Md., Dec. 1971.

Fairfield, D. H., et al., Trajectories of Explorers 33, 35, 41, 43, and 47 - May 1969-December 1972, NASA-GSFC, TM-X-70481, X-692-73-291, Greenbelt, MD, Oct. 1973.

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