AE-B Ion Mass Spectrometer Data ------------------------------- - March 6, 2002 This are data from the AE-B ion mass spectrometer experiment for the time period from June 9, 1966 to January 17, 1967 in ASCII format. The altitude range covered by the data is 274 to 2840 km. There are 8 monthly files (filename format: yyyy_mm_aeb_ims.asc). Each file consists of a varying number of data records. The total volume is about 5 MByte. A measurement cycle consists of 6 measurements (massindex: 1,2,3, 4,5,6; mass: 14,16,4,1,14,16; ion: N+, O+,He+, H+, N+, O+). The cycle time is about 3.5 minutes. Each data record lists the density and orbit parameters for one specific density measurement. In reprocessing these data from the original PI-provided data set the following was done: (i) converting from binaryto ASCII, (ii) computing L values using the IGRF model,(iii) verifying the dip values with IGRF model, (iv) addingAp, Kp, F10.7, and R, (v) dividing the ion densities by thePi-provided calibration factors. Information about the AE-B satellite, experiments, and data sets can be found in NSSDC's Master Catalog at (enter ae-b). The digit '9' is used for fill values, e.g. the fill value for the densities is 9.9999E+09 and for the L value 99.99. There is a space (1X) between consecutive parameters (not listed in Format column). Parameter Format Description ------------------------------------------------------- Year I2 yy Day of year I3 ddd Hour I2 hh Minute I2 mm Second I2 ss Local time (dec) F5.2 seconds Solar zenith angle F7.2 degree UT (dec) F5.2 seconds Geodetic Latitude F6.2 degree Geodetic Longitude F6.1 degree Geomagnetic Latitude F6.2 degree [North] range: -90 to 90 Geomagnetic Longitude F6.1 degree [East] range:-180 to 180 Altitude F6.1 km range: 274 to 2840 Dip F6.2 degree Dip Latitude F6.2 degree L-value F5.2 McIlwain L-shell parameter Ap (3 hour) I3 magnetic index Kp (3-hour) mag. index I2 Kp*10 (3- = 27, 3+ = 33, 3o = 30) F10.7 (daily) I4 (solar 10.7 cm radio flux)*10 Sunspot number (daily) I3 solar index Mass index I1 values: 1-6 Mass number F5.2 AMU Density E10.4 cm-3 Current E8.2 ampere Turn on # I4 range: 208 to 6799 Exp num I1 range: 3 to 7 VS F5.2 Volt VMag F5.3 km/sec BxSa F7.1 VVxSa F7.1 SAxS F7.1 KFLAG I5 ijklm (see note below) --------------------------------------------------------------- Note for KFLAG: The meaning of ijklm is as follows based on the original documentation. m: m=1 verified, m=2 not checked, m=3 no film l: number of original O/A values k: number of O/A values including interpolated ones j: j=0 no value, j=1 original value from BH tape, j=2 interpolated from accepted point, j=3 interpolated from input points; i: i=0 no value, i=1 original value, i=2 value from CORR card, i=3 not present on film, i=4 saturated (channel 9) no value, i=5 new current value only (no OA to compute density)