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Complete Set of Reduced Proton and Electron Data


Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)

Time span: 1962-10-02 to 1963-08-10


This experimenter-supplied data set contains a complete set of reduced electron and proton count rate data for the life of the experiment with about 80% time coverage, on 69 7-track, 800-bpi, IBM 7094, binary magnetic tapes. Each record is 460 words long and contains one absorber wheel revolution of data. The data include phototube current, count rates, and housekeeping channel readings for 256 telemeter frames. Also included are time (UT), satellite position parameters in geographic and B and L coordinates, right ascension, attitude parameters, etc., stored in floating point format. The channel readings for each frame are packed together as binary integers in one 36-bit word. There are three orbits, which amount to about 4.6 days of data on each tape.


  • Space Physics: Magnetospheric Studies


  • 62-051A-05A

Additional Information



Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.



NameRoleOriginal AffiliationE-mail
Mr. Leo R. DavisData ProviderNASA Goddard Space Flight Center 

Selected References

Barry, P. F., et al., S-3A soft radiation data reduction system, Doc. of Sci. Data Anal. Programs, Pt. 1, Sect. 13, June 1967. (Intern. Business Machines Corp., Gaithersburg, Md.).

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