Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP-F16) Special Sensors-Ions, Electrons, and Scintillation (SSIES-3) single orbit plasma data plots.
Plot Directory:
This directory contains DMSP-F16 SSIES-3 single orbit plots of plasma data, including electron (Te) and ion (Ti) temperatures, ram flow (Vx), horizontal crosstrack flow (Vy), vertical crosstrack flow (Vz), calculated potential difference between the plasma ground and the sensor plane of the SSIES-3 instruments, and total ion density from the scintillation meter along with the light ion (H+ and He+) density. The data are color coded based on the quality flags. See detailed description of the plots and the quality flags at .
[2025-03-05] Note that starting in 2024 plots, to improve visibility of highly variable data, the style of Vy and Vz plots was changed from "line" plot (points connected by lines) to "dot" plot (plotting individual points only).
SPDF data contact:
March 5, 2025