This is the README file for MAGBLF MAGBLF contains the Dynamics Explorer-2 (D2) MAGB instrument data, MAGB model data, and LAPI magnetometer data presented in the frame of the LAPI instrument (LAPI Frame - LF). The MAGB and model data were obtained from the MAGB VAX binary data file; whereas, the LAPI magnetic field data came from the VAX binary data file for LAPI data. These data were rotated into the LAPI frame using the LAPI Shaft Encoder Angle. The LAPI Shaft Encoder Angle describes the relation between the spacecraft frame and the LAPI frame. The following are the extracted instrument values included within the MAGB LAPI Frame CDF files: Sensor Parameter Unit valid Range 0 MAGB Measured Bx nT -65,000 to 65,000 1 MAGB Measured By nT -65,000 to 65,000 2 MAGB Measured Bz nT -65,000 to 65,000 7 Modeled Bx nT -65,000 to 65,000 8 Modeled By nT -65,000 to 65,000 9 Modeled Bz nT -65,000 to 65,000 16 LAPI Bx nT -65,000 to 65,000 17 LAPI By nT -65,000 to 65,000 18 LAPI Bz nT -65,000 to 65,000 In addition, the following items were added to the CDF file: Sensor Parameter Unit valid Range 3 MAGB Bxy Projection nT 0 to 65,000 4 MAGB B Magnitude nT 0 to 65,000 5 MAGB Theta B deg -90 to 90 6 MAGB Phi B deg 0 to 360 10 Modeled Bxy Projection nT 0 to 65,000 11 Modeled B Magnitude nT 0 to 65,000 12 Modeled Theta B deg -90 to 90 13 Modeled Phi B deg 0 to 360 14 Measured B Pressure nPa 0 to 1.68e6 15 Modeled B Pressure nPa 0 to 1.68e6 19 LAPI Bxy Projection nT 0 to 65,000 20 LAPI B Magnitude nT 0 to 65,000 21 LAPI Theta B deg -90 to 90 22 LAPI Phi B deg 0 to 360 23 LAPI B Pressure nPa 0 to 1.68e6 Here Bxy is the magnitude Projection of the magnetic field in the x-y plane of the LAPI instrument frame and B Magnitude is the total magnitude of the magnetic field. The Theta B is the polar angle that the magnetic field makes with the LAPI z axis (the same as the spacecraft z axis) and Phi B is the azimuthal angle that the magnetic field makes with the LAPI x axis (note, all angles are defined to be right handed). B Pressure is the magnetic pressure computed by: 0.5 * B**2 / mu0 where mu0 = 4.0 * M_PI * 1.0e-7 and M_PI is 3.14159265358979323846 All variables are stored as 4 byte real numbers where -3.4e+38 is used to indicate a fill value. Additional available units in the CDF are Gauss, Tesla, and Pascal. No Status information is included in this CDF. The MAGBLF CDF files were generated by converting the MAGB VAX binary format and LAPI VAX binary format files stored at the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). The VAX binary format was converted from the original Sigma-9 machine that was used to collect and process Dynamics Explorer telemetry. The MAGB VAX binary file contained data in the spacecraft reference frame and is rotated into the LAPI Frame via the LAPI Shaft Encoder Angle. Both the MAGB and the LAPI magnetic field data are stored at the cadence of the LAPI magnetic field sampling which is every two seconds. The MAGB data is interpolated to match the LAPI magnetic field sampling. The LAPI magnetometer was not calibrated, so detailed analysis should not be generated from LAPI magnetometer data. When possible, use the MAGB value for the magnetic field. Magnetometer values are considered instantaneous measurements. They have no accumulation period, only data latency between measurements.