This is the README file for D2OAMAGB D2OAMAGB contains the Dynamics Explorer-2 (D2) Orbit and Attitude (OA) data that was included with the MAGB VAX binary data file. The following are the extracted OA elements included within the DE-2 MAGB Orbit/Attitude CDF files: Sensor OA Parameter Unit valid Range 0 Altitude km 300 to 1100 1 Magnetic Latitude deg -90 to 90 2 Magnetic Longitude deg 0 to 360 3 Magnetic Local Time hr 0 to 24 4 Invariant Latitude deg 0 to 90 All variables are stored as 4 byte real numbers where -3.4e+38 is used to indicate a fill value. No Status information is included in this CDF. The D2OAMAGB CDF files were generated by converting the VAX binary format stored at the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). The VAX binary format was converted from the original Sigma-9 machine that was used to collect and process Dynamics Explorer telemetry. The MAGB VAX binary file contained data in the spacecraft reference frame and this OA was stored at the cadence of the MAGB instrument. Orbit and Attitude values are considered instantaneous measurements. They have no accumulation period, only data latency between measurements.