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Ultraviolet Imager (UVI)

Instrument Configurations:
There are number of UVI Instrument Configuration (IC) modes defined for different types of science observations or analyses. These configuration modes are basically an ordered sequence of filter selections. When they are combined with Gain and Loop counters, they can be used to define the UVI Observation Sequence. The following table lists the Instrument Configuration modes defined:

The following abbreviations are used in the table:
04 1304 Filter
56 1356 Filter
LS LBH Short
SO Solar Filter
S Shutter (Background)
H Home (Background)
DB Dynamic Balancing
NM Normal Mode
FM Fast Mode

(NOTE: The Instrument Configuration number (IC) may be used in the UVI query database where -X in the IC number is the gain setting)
Instrument Configuration Description Number of Frames & Filters Minutes Per Cycle
1-1-1-X Fixed Filter: "1304", Special Request 1,04 - 1,H - 1,04 - 1,H - 1,04 - 1,H 7.36
1-1-2-X Fixed Filter: "1304" 2,04 - 2,04 - 2,04 - 2,04 - 2,04 - 2,S 7.36
1-2-2-X Fixed Filter: "1356" 2,56 - 2,56 - 2,56 - 2,56 - 2,56 - 2,S 7.36
1-3-2-X Fixed Filter: "LBH Short" 2,LS - 2,LS - 2,LS - 2,LS - 2,LS - 2,S 7.36
1-4-2-X Fixed Filter: "LBH Long" 2,LL - 2,LL - 2,LL - 2,LL - 2,LL - 2,S 7.36
1-5-2-X Fixed Filter: "Solar" 2,SO - 2,SO - 2,SO - 2,SO - 2,SO - 2,S 7.36
2-1-1-X Cycling 2 Filters: "LBH Short & LBH Long", 1 Frames 1,LS - 1,LL - 1,LS - 1,S 2.45
2-1-2-X Cycling 2 Filters: "LBH Short & LBH Long", 2 Frames 2,LS - 2,LL - 2,LS - 2,S 4.90
2-1-3-X Cycling 2 Filters: "LBH Short & LBH Long", 2 Frames, 1 BKG 2,LL - 2,LS - 1,S 3.06
2-1-4-X Cycling 2 Filters: "LBH Short & LBH Long", 1 Frames, 1 BKG 1,LL - 1,LS - 1,S 1.84
2-1-5-X Cycling 2 Filters: "LBH Short & LBH Long", 1 Frames 1,LL - 1,LS 1.22
2-1-6-X Cycling 2 Filters: "LBH Short & LBH Long", 2 Frames 2,LL - 2,LS 2.45
2-2-2-X Cycling 2 Filters: "1356 & 1304", 2 Frames 2,56 - 2,04 - 2,S 3.07
2-2-8-X Cycling 2 Filters: "1356 & 1304", 8 Frames 4,56 - 4,56 - 4,04 - 4,04 - 2,S 11.04
3-1-2-X Cycling 3 Filters: "LBH Long, 1356, & 1304", 2 Frames 2,04 - 2,56 - 2,LL - 2,S 4.90
3-2-2-X Cycling 3 Filters: "LBH Long, LBH Short, & Solar", 2 Frames 2,LS - 2,LL - 1,SO - 2,S 4.29
4-1-2-X Cycling 4 Filters: "1304, 1356, LBH Long, & LBH Short", 2 Frames 2,04 - 2,56 - 2,LL - 2,LS - 2,S 6.13
5-1-2-X Cycling All Filters, 2 Frames 2,04 - 2,56 - 2,LL - 2,LS - 1,SO - 2,S 6.75
6-1-8-X Fast Mode Fixed Filter: "1304", 8 Frames 8,04 - 8,04 - 8,04 - 8,04 - 8,04 - 8,S 7.36
6-3-8-X Fast Mode Fixed Filter: "LBH Short", 8 Frames 8,LS - 8,LS - 8,LS - 8,LS - 8,LS - 8,S 7.36
6-4-8-X Fast Mode Fixed Filter: "LBH Long", 8 Frames 8,LL - 8,LL - 8,LL - 8,LL - 8,LL - 8,S 7.36
7-3-1-X DB - NM Fixed Filter: "LBH Short" Link to DB - FM 2,LS 1.23
7-3-2-X DB - FM Fixed Filter: "LBH Short" Linked to DB - NM 5,LS 0.76
7-5-1-X DB - NM Fixed Filter: "Solar" Link to DB - FM 2,SO 1.23
7-5-2-X DB - FM Fixed Filter: "Solar" Linked to DB - NM 5,SO 0.76
8-1-1-X Short Duration Test, Cycle All Filters, No Gain 1,SO - 1,LL - 1,LS - 1,56 - 1,04 - 1,H 3.68
9-1-1-X HVPS Ramp Down Sequence Steps of 2 From Gain 8 to 0 1,S - 1,S - 1,S - 1,S - 1,S - 1,S 3.68
9-2-1-X HVPS Ramp Up Sequence Steps of 2 to Gain 10 from 0 1,S - 1,S - 1,S - 1,S - 1,S - 1,S 3.68
10-1-1-X Standby Sequence 1,H 0.61
11-1-0-X Background Measurement Sequence, Home 6,H 3.68
11-1-6-X Background Measurement Sequence, Shutter 6,S 3.68

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NASA Logo Image Curators: Mitzi Adams
Author: Dennis Gallagher
NASA Official: Dr. Renee Weber
Last Updated: June 18, 2014