This directory contains files which can be used to reproduce the MEA survey plots. They are ZIPped and have to be unzipped. Each file of the form SRVYnnnC.ZIP contains ten files of the form SRVYnnnm.XLC, where m goes from 0 to 9. The value nnnm is the orbit number. If no data were available from a particular orbit, there will not be an .XLC file for that orbit. These .XLC files must be viewed using EXCEL 2.0 or later. They may also be manipulated using that software (scale changes, annotations, etc.). The survey plots are 1-minute averages of each MEA channel plotted vs. U. T. Zero order background correction and conversion to flux from countrates, using a "flat" spectrum GEF, has also been done. By plotting these files using EXCEL, it is possible to capture the graphic and incorporate it into other documents. This is permitted provided the use of these files is acknowledged in the document. I would appreciate being made aware of such use. ALV