This quicklook plot for the C4 spacecraft is based on the calibrated data. The 6-hour panels from top to bottom are: Total magnetic field (FGM) Polar angle of magnetic field vector (FGM) Azimuthal angle of magnetic field vector (FGM) Proton energy spectra (RAPID) Panel has no data or it may be missing Ion energy spectra (CIS) Electron energy spectra (RAPID) Panel has no data or it may be missing Electron energy spectra (PEACE) At the bottom, the thin lines indicate Nominal Mode (NM) and the thick lines Burst Mode (BM) for each spacecraft (Black=C1:Rumba, Red=C2:Salsa, Green=C3:Samba, Blue=C4:Tango). The orbit of the C4 spacecraft in GSE is plotted in the upper right corner (top part of the plot may be cut).