This quicklook plot for the C1 spacecraft is based on the calibrated data. The 6-hour panels from top to bottom are: Total magnetic field (FGM) Magnetic field vector polar angle (FGM) Magnetic field vector azimuthal angle (FGM) Electric field wave spectra at 2-80 kHz (WHISPER), color coded overflow rate (black=full saturation) plotted above the panel Electric field wave spectra at 10 Hz - 4 kHz (STAFF)Panel may be missing Magnetic field wave spectra at 10 Hz - 4 kHz (STAFF)Panel may be missing Magnetic field wave spectra at 1 - 180 Hz (STAFF) At the bottom, the thin lines indicate Nominal Mode (NM) and the thick lines Burst Mode (BM) for each spacecraft (Black=C1:Rumba, Red=C2:Salsa, Green=C3:Samba, Blue=C4:Tango). The orbit of the C1 spacecraft in GSE is plotted in the upper right corner (may be missing).