#ident "@(#) $Id: CoordSysDef.c 20936 2010-11-22 15:59:39Z joey $ SwRI" #include "pidf_local.h" SDDAS_INT CoordinateSystemDefined (SDDAS_ULONG key, const SDDAS_CHAR *exten, SDDAS_INT *cs_defined) { SDDAS_INT error_code; char string[400] = ""; /* The Coordinate System defined flag is determine based upon whether the */ /* CoordinateSystem structure exists. The CSDEFAULT component must be */ /* defined within the CoordinateSystem structure IF coordinate system info.*/ /* is defined. */ if ((error_code = ReadNewPidf (key, exten, COORD_SYSTEM, NOTUSED, NOTUSED, CSDEFAULT, (void *) string)) != ALL_OKAY) *cs_defined = 0; else *cs_defined = 1; return (1); }