The IDFS data retrieval software has been bundled for distribution. The compressed tar file IDFSDataAccess.tar.Z contains the source code for the programming examples that are provided in the IDFS Programmers Manual, along with the source code for the libraries that are utilized. In order to extract the code, the following steps should be executed: (1) gunzip IDFSDataAccess.tar.Z (2) tar xvf IDFSDataAccess.tar (3) rm IDFSDataAccess.tar At this point, there should be fourteen directories, an SConstruct file and a template file for use with scons ( The installer should copy the template file to and should review and modify the contents of this file to tailor the compilation of the source for the target machine. In order to compile the source code, the environment variable SDDAS_HOME, which is contained within the file, must be set to the directory where the tar file has been untarred. Twelve of the 14 directories contain source code for libraries that support the IDFS paradigm. These twelve directories are (1) libant, (2) libdB, (3) libdbSQL, (4) libCfg, (5) libserver, (6) libPromote, (7) libVIDF, (8) libbase_idfs, (9) libIDFSMath, (10) libIDFSFill, (11) libIDFSTensor, and (12) libtrec_idfs. The compilation of the code for all these libraries can be achieved by performing the following sequence of commands: (4) scons release At this point, there should be twelve libraries in the lib subdirectory under the SDDAS_HOME base directory and the example programs found in the IDFS Programmers Manual can be run. To do this, go to the IDFS_EXAMPLES directory and run the program. Provided an IDFS database has been set up on the target machine, the programs can be run to dump the contents of the specified data sources for the designated time periods.