Availability: Proprietary Data - Contact Agent for More Information
Time span: 1973-04-02 to 1974-06-05
This data set contains the complete counting rate and housekeeping data stream from the Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE). This data set is written in SDS 24-bit representation, and is designated proprietary. Processing of earlier data in this format was done at Rice University to generate the publicly-available Mass Analyzer and Total Ion Detector data sets, which have NSSDC IDs 71-008C-06C and 71-008C-06F, respectively. This proprietary data set is from later time periods that were not processed by Rice. It is anticipated that these later data will be processed and the results will be appended to the data sets mentioned.
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Dr. H. Kent Hills.