# Update the sqlite3 database that holds metadata about the AIM CIPS level 2 # and level 3 files. It also creates the list of vetted files. 10 0-22/2 * * * /export/home/aimpi/bin/updateVettedFilesMetadata.sh # check aimpi@lasp.colorado.edu for definitive data validation emails # version which sends emails to 'james.craft@lasp.colorado.edu,william.barrett@lasp.colorado.edu,adrian.gehr@lasp.colorado.edu' used only for debugging # 00 * * * * /aim/sds/common/scripts/mail_script_output.sh -M james.craft@lasp.colorado.edu,william.barrett@lasp.colorado.edu,adrian.gehr@lasp.colorado.edu -S "CIPS Release Definitive Validated Daisies" /export/home/aimpi/bin/release_validated_data_cron.sh 00 * * * * /export/home/aimpi/bin/release_validated_data_cron.sh # check aimpi@lasp.colorado.edu for prelim daisy validation emails # version which sends emails to 'james.craft@lasp.colorado.edu,william.barrett@lasp.colorado.edu,adrian.gehr@lasp.colorado.edu' used only for debugging # 00 * * * * /aim/sds/common/scripts/mail_script_output.sh -M james.craft@lasp.colorado.edu,william.barrett@lasp.colorado.edu,adrian.gehr@lasp.colorado.edu -S "CIPS Release Definitive Validated Daisies" /export/home/aimpi/bin/release_validated_data_cron.sh # 55 * * * * /aim/sds/common/scripts/mail_script_output.sh -M james.craft@lasp.colorado.edu,william.barrett@lasp.colorado.edu,adrian.gehr@lasp.colorado.edu -S "CIPS Release Preliminary Validated Daisies" /export/home/aimpi/src/data_release_scripts/release_validated_prelim_daisy_cron.sh 55 * * * * /export/home/aimpi/bin/release_validated_prelim_daisy_cron.sh # check aimpi@lasp.colorado.edu for raa validation emails 5 * * * * /export/home/aimpi/bin/release_validated_raa_cron.sh # Move the latest orbit data to the web server # Time is set for one hour after aimpro updates the daily orbits 15 07 * * * /export/home/aimpi/bin/release_orbit_data.sh # update the level 3c and 3e files on the web server 45 07 * * * /export/home/aimpi/bin/check_for_new_summary_files.sh # delete log files older than a week 10 11 * * * find /export/home/aimpi/logs -mtime +7 -type f | xargs rm -f