;$Id: //depot/Release/ENVI52_IDL84/idl/idldir/lib/linfit.pro#1 $ ; ; Copyright (c) 1994-2014, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc. All ; rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. ;+ ; NAME: ; NO_CHI_LINFIT ; ; DISCLAIMER: ; This is IDL'S linfit with the chi_sqr stuff removed. The annoying thing ; about the IDL function is that is does a bunch of calculations whether or ; not they are requested via keywords, and with the typical dark image ; server data, these invariably produce a floating underflow. ; ; PURPOSE: ; This function fits the paired data {X(i), Y(i)} to the linear model, ; y = A + Bx, by minimizing the chi-square error statistic. The result ; is a two-element vector containing the model parameters,[A,B]. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Statistics. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = LINFIT(X, Y) ; ; INPUTS: ; X: An n-element vector of type integer, float or double. ; ; Y: An n-element vector of type integer, float or double. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; CHISQ: Use this keyword to specify a named variable which returns the ; chi-square error statistic as the sum of squared errors between ; Y(i) and A + BX(i). If individual standard deviations are ; supplied, then the chi-square error statistic is computed as ; the sum of squared errors divided by the standard deviations. ; ; COVAR: Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain the ; covariance matrix of the fitted coefficients. ; ; DOUBLE: If set to a non-zero value, computations are done in double ; precision arithmetic. ; ; MEASURE_ERRORS: Set this keyword to a vector containing standard ; measurement errors for each point Y[i]. This vector must be the same ; length as X and Y. ; ; Note - For Gaussian errors (e.g. instrumental uncertainties), ; MEASURE_ERRORS should be set to the standard ; deviations of each point in Y. For Poisson or statistical weighting ; MEASURE_ERRORS should be set to sqrt(Y). ; ; PROB: Use this keyword to specify a named variable which returns the ; probability that the computed fit would have a value of CHISQR ; or greater. If PROB is greater than 0.1, the model parameters ; are "believable". If PROB is less than 0.1, the accuracy of the ; model parameters is questionable. ; ; SIGMA: Use this keyword to specify a named variable which returns a ; two-element vector of probable uncertainties for the model par- ; ameters, [SIG_A,SIG_B]. ; ; Note: if MEASURE_ERRORS is omitted, then you are assuming that the ; linear fit is the correct model. In this case, ; SIGMA is multiplied by SQRT(CHISQ/(N-M)), where N is the ; number of points in X. See section 15.2 of Numerical Recipes ; in C (Second Edition) for details. ; ; YFIT: Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain the ; vector of calculated Y values. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Define two n-element vectors of paired data. ; x = [-3.20, 4.49, -1.66, 0.64, -2.43, -0.89, -0.12, 1.41, $ ; 2.95, 2.18, 3.72, 5.26] ; y = [-7.14, -1.30, -4.26, -1.90, -6.19, -3.98, -2.87, -1.66, $ ; -0.78, -2.61, 0.31, 1.74] ; Define a vector of standard deviations with a constant value of 0.85 ; sdev = replicate(0.85, n_elements(x)) ; Compute the model parameters, A and B. ; result = linfit(x, y, chisq = chisq, prob = prob, sdev = sdev) ; The result should be the two-element vector: ; [-3.44596, 0.867329] ; The keyword parameters should be returned as: ; chisq = 11.4998, prob = 0.319925 ; ; REFERENCE: ; Numerical Recipes, The Art of Scientific Computing (Second Edition) ; Cambridge University Press ; ISBN 0-521-43108-5 ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: GGS, RSI, September 1994 ; LINFIT is based on the routines: fit.c, gammq.c, gser.c, ; and gcf.c described in section 15.2 of Numerical Recipes, ; The Art of Scientific Computing (Second Edition), and is ; used by permission. ; Modified: SVP, RSI, June 1996 ; Changed SIG_AB to SIGMA to be consistant with the other ; fitting functions. Changed CHISQR to CHISQ in the docs ; for the same reason. Note that the chisqr and the SIG_AB ; keywords are left for backwards compatibility. ; Modified: GGS, RSI, October 1996 ; Modified keyword checking and use of double precision. ; Added DOUBLE keyword. ; Modified: CT, RSI, July 2000: Added COVAR, MEASURE_ERRORS, YFIT keywords. ;- FUNCTION no_chi_LinFit, x, y, $ chisqr = chisqr, Double = DoubleIn, prob = prob, $ sig_ab = sig_ab, sigma = sigma, $ COVAR=covar,YFIT=yfit, MEASURE_ERRORS=measure_errors, $ SDEV = sdevIn ; obsolete keyword (still works) COMPILE_OPT idl2 ON_ERROR, 2 nX = N_ELEMENTS(x) nY = N_ELEMENTS(y) if nX ne nY then $ MESSAGE, "X and Y must be vectors of equal length." ;If the DOUBLE keyword is not set then the internal precision and ;result are identical to the type of input. double = (N_ELEMENTS(doubleIn) gt 0) ? KEYWORD_SET(doubleIn) : $ (SIZE(x, /TYPE) eq 5) || (SIZE(y, /TYPE) eq 5) isSdev = N_ELEMENTS(sdevIn) GT 0 isMeasure = N_ELEMENTS(measure_errors) GT 0 IF (isSdev OR isMeasure) THEN BEGIN IF (isSdev AND isMeasure) THEN $ MESSAGE,'Conflicting keywords SDEV and MEASURE_ERRORS.' sdev = isMeasure ? measure_errors : sdevIn nsdev = N_ELEMENTS(sdev) IF (nsdev NE nX) THEN MESSAGE, $ 'MEASURE_ERRORS must have the number of elements as X and Y.' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN sdev = double ? 1d : 1.0 nsdev = 0 ENDELSE ; for explanation of constants see Numerical Recipes sec. 15-2 if nsdev eq nX then begin ;Standard deviations are supplied. wt = 1/(sdev^(double ? 2d : 2.0)) ss = TOTAL(wt, DOUBLE=double) sx = TOTAL(wt * x, DOUBLE=double) sy = TOTAL(wt * y, DOUBLE=double) t = (x - sx/ss) / sdev b = TOTAL(t * y / sdev, DOUBLE=double) endif else begin ss = nX sx = TOTAL(x, DOUBLE=double) sy = TOTAL(y, DOUBLE=double) t = x - sx/ss b = TOTAL(t * y) endelse st2 = TOTAL(t^2, DOUBLE=double) IF (NOT double) THEN BEGIN ss = FLOAT(ss) sx = FLOAT(sx) sy = FLOAT(sy) st2 = FLOAT(st2) b = FLOAT(b) ENDIF ; parameter estimates b = b / st2 a = (sy - sx * b) / ss ; error estimates sdeva = SQRT((1.0 + sx * sx / (ss * st2)) / ss) sdevb = SQRT(1.0 / st2) covar = -sx/(ss*st2) covar = [[sdeva^2, covar], [covar, sdevb^2]] yfit = b*x + a RETURN, [a, b] END