; docformat = 'rst' ;+ ; This function generate a series of orbit_info structures after the last ; orbit in the table input. ; ; :Examples: ; generate_orbit_info_fom_end(t_stop, last_orbit=last_orbit, verbose=verbose) ;- ;+ ; :Params: ; t_stop : in, required, type=double ; Generates orbits up to the one which overlaps this time in GPS ; microseconds. ; ; :Keywords: ; last_orbit : in, optional, type=boolean ; Adds last orbit info to the generated orbit_info structure. ; verbose : in, optional, type=boolean ; Adds additional information when generating orbit_info structures. ; ; :Returns: ; Returns an array of orbit_info structures ;- function generate_orbit_info_from_end, t_stop, last_orbit=last_orbit, verbose=verbose if ~real_numeric_type(t_stop) then begin doc_format, 'generate_orbit_info_from_end' return, -1 endif IF ~KEYWORD_SET( last_orbit ) THEN last_orbit=get_last_orbit_info() more_orbits=generate_orbit_info(last_orbit.stop_time, last_orbit.orbit_number+1, t_stop, verbose=verbose) return,more_orbits end