pro sun_ephem, jd ; ; Reproduce the Astronomical Ephemeris solar ephemeris data ; for the give Julian Day (Dynamic Time, midnight). ; ; B. Knapp, 2002-12-18 ; ; Convert to Universal Time ut = td2ut(jd) ; Get apparent equatorial coordinates ephem, ut, 0, pv_eq, status, posnid=2, framid=1, coorid=1 ra = d2hms(pv_eq[0]/360.d0) dec = deg2dms(pv_eq[1]) ; Get the true geocentric distance ephem, ut, 0, pv_true, status, posnid=1, framid=2, coorid=1 ; Print result print, ra, dec, pv_true[2], $ format = "(2(f6.0,f4.0,f7.2), f10.7)" ; return end