Using SGP4 to obtain a spacecraft position & velocity from the NORAD (US SpaceCom) two-line orbit element (TLE) sets. B. Knapp, 2006-01-19 Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado, Boulder This is a rather large topic, and a good software system to provide orbit propagations (or interpolations) is a non-trivial development project. You really do not want to use SGP4 "as is", that is, as you obtain it from Celestrak or elsewhere. I have developed an orbit position Fortran subroutine (spacecraft_pv.f) which uses my improved (Fortran 77) version of SGP4, and a number of subsidiary routines which I also developed. Here is an outline of the call tree: spacecraft_pv // returns the position and velocity of a spacecraft get_lun // get a logical unit number to open the TLE file nextTle // read, check, and filter the TLE sets tleChk // TLE check-sum check free_lun // free the logical unit number TLE_Subset // select a consistent subset of the TLE sets TLE_Filter // internal consistency checking and filtering Neighbor_Consistency // is a TLE set consistent with its neighbors? Pair_Difference // "difference" (distance) between two TLE sets SGP4 // propagate a position and velocity Remove_set // remove a TLE set from the array of all sets PV_from_Elts // compute position, velocity from four adjacent TLE sets SGP4 // propagate a position and velocity ut2td // convert universal time to dynamic time deltat // the difference between UT and dynamic time Nutate_Matrix // obtain the nutation in longitude and obliquity Obliq // mean obliquity of the ecliptic Nutate // compute nutation There are several important features of this system, as compared with using SGP4 by itself. First, this system is designed to supply *definitive* orbit positions, not *predictive*. The latter are propagations forward in time (extrapolations) from the single most recent TLE set. The uncertainties in these extrapolations increase rapidly as the distance from the TLE epoch increases. Another feature of spacecraft_pv is that it returns estimates of the uncertainties in the six elements of the spacecraft state vector (position, velocity). Finally, spacecraft_pv provides some necessary management and filtering of the TLE sets--the raw TLE sets as retrieved from Space Track ( have occasional problems that need to be detected and the problematic TLE sets discarded. In order to provide "definitive" spacecraft ephemeris for a given time, we require the four bracketing TLE sets--that is, the two before and the two following the given time. Hence with this method predictive ephemeris is not possible. Then, of the four bracketing TLE sets, the two TLE sets with adjacent epochs that are nearest in time (Euclidean distance) to the given time are used to produce the propagation (interpolation). Usually, but not always, the pair used is the bracketing pair. For example, if there is a large gap (several days) between the middle two of the four TLE sets, then the first two or the last two may actually be closer in time to the requested time, than the bracketing pair. To estimate the uncertainty in the result, we will propagate to the given time (JD) from each of the two TLE sets with adjacent epochs that are nearest in time to the given JD. The error is a function of the difference Delta between these two propagations, and the distance in time from the nearest TLE set. The best case is that the given JD coincides exactly with one of the two TLE epochs, in which case we estimate the uncertainty to be Delta/2 (the minimum). If the given JD is equidistant from two bracketing TLE sets, we estimate the uncertainty to be Delta (a local maximum). These conditions define a quartic: dy = (1-4*x^2*(1-2*x^2))*Delta, where x is the ratio of the distance in time from the midpoint of the two TLE epoch times to the difference in those epoch times, and y is one of the six position, velocity magnitudes. I also provide an IDL call_external interface to spacecraft_pv (named, and if you are an IDL user, this is by far the easiest way to use this software. I have a make file (for use on Sun Solaris with the Sparc compilers) which will build the necessary shareable object library ( for the IDL call_external call. It will also build a Fortran demo program "xspacecraft_pv," which is a simple console program for one query at a time. To install these routines on your computer, some amount of additional work may be required. With the exception of the driver program xspacecraft_pv, all of the Fortran code should compile as is, and should not require any modification. The program xspacecraft_pv.f should be edited to set the values of the variables path and pathlen to the name and name length of the path to your TLE file. For Sun Solaris and the Sparc compilers, the only change needed to the Makefile should be the name of the environment variable (my_root) which identifies the root directory where your /lib directory resides where the file will be built. For other systems and compilers, more extensive modifications of the Makefile will be required to set the appropriate compiler switches, and to identify the locations of the math libraries needed by Fortran. The help provided by RSI on building shareable objects (located in one of the samples directories in the IDL distribution) may be useful. The IDL procedure should be modified if you want the default paths to the TLE file and the DLL (.so) files to be different from the current working directory (so that they need not be specified using the tle_path and dll_path keyword input parameters). 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