program newmoons c c Compute and print the general solar eclipse circumstances for c all new moons with lunation numbers in a given range. c c B. Knapp, 1994-03-10, 2001-04-25 (remove file output) c C C RCS DATA C C $Header$ C C $Log$ C C implicit none c integer*4 k,k1,kn real*8 jde, gamma, u, ag, mag character*2 type c write(*,'(/A$)') ' Enter k1, kn: ' read(*,*) k1, kn c write(*,5) 5 format(/ & ' Lunation Julian day Gamma Umbra Type Mag' & /) do k=k1,kn call solarecl(k, jde, gamma, u ) ag = abs( gamma ) if ( ag .gt. 1.6433d0+u ) then type = ' ' elseif ( ag .ge. 1.5433d0+u ) then type = ' ?' elseif ( ag .ge. 0.9972d0+abs(u) ) then type = ' p' elseif ( ag .ge. 0.9972d0 ) then type = ' n' else if ( u .lt. 0 ) then type = ' t' elseif ( u .lt. 0.00464d0*sqrt(1.d0-ag**2) ) then type = 'at' else type = ' a' endif endif mag = (1.5433d0+u-ag)/(0.5461d0+2.d0*u) write(*,10) k, jde, gamma, u, type, mag enddo 10 format(i9,f15.4,f10.4,f10.4,a6,f10.4) end