; main_program ephem_nodes ; ; How many interpolation intervals (nodes) are required ; for a 30-hour period for each planet, such that each interval ; covers no more than 4 arc minutes of the planet's motion? ; ; B. Knapp, 2002-03-20 ; planet = ['Moon','Mercury','Venus','Sun','Mars', $ 'Jupiter','Saturn','Uranus','Neptune','Pluto'] degperday = [13.1764, 4.0924, 1.6022, 0.9856, 0.5241, $ 0.0831, 0.0335, 0.0118, 0.0060, 0.0040] ; motion = degperday*60.0/1440.0 ; arc minutes per minute nodetime = 4.0/motion ; minutes of time per interval nodes = 1800.0/nodetime ; number of nodes ; ; Round up to the nearest integer divisor of 1800 inodes = intarr(10) for j=0,9 do begin n = int(nodes[j])+1 while 1800 mod n ne 0 do n = n+1 inodes[j] = n print, planet[j], degperday[j], motion[j], nodetime[j], $ nodes[j], inodes[j], format='(a10, f10.4, f12.6, f10.2, f8.2, i6)' endfor ; end