Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)
Time span: 1973-01-07 to 1980-10-07
This data set contains the telemetry data for the whole Atmosphere Explorer C satellite mission on 33 8mm tapes in VAX/VMS Backup format. The tapes were generated at the University of Texas at Dallas. Essentially they represent the orginal Sigma-9 computer telemetry files that were archived at GSFC on several hundreds of 9-track tapes. The Sigma-9 tape number has been preserved as part of the VAX/VMS file name. UTD copied the Sigma-9 files onto a VAX computer performing only byte-swapping to obtain the files contained on the 8mm tapes. The filename consists of the spacecraft-id (1 character e.g., C for AE-C), the year (4 digits), the beginning day of the year (3 digits), the beginning time in msec (8 digits), and the end time of the satellite pass. The file extension shows the spacecraft-id (C for AE-C) the original Sigma 9 tape number and the current VAX-UTD tape number (e.g., .C693_2345).
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Dr. Dieter K. Bilitza.
Name | Role | Original Affiliation | |
Prof. William B. Hanson | Data Provider | University of Texas, Dallas | |
Mr. Robert A. Power | Programmer | University of Texas, Dallas | power@utd500.utdallas.edu |