Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)
Time span: 1998-01-23 to 2000-07-01
This data set contains 27-day (Bartel) average Level 2 data in ASCII format from the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) and Solar Wind Ion Mass Spectrometer (SWIMS) experiments on the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft. Each data record contains bulk and thermal speeds (km/s) for selected ions (1H+1, He+2, O+6, Mg+10, and Fe+11), abundance ratios of selected elements (4He+2/O, 20Ne+8/O, 24Mg+10/O, and 56Fe+(7 to 12)/O), ratios of charge states for the same elements (C+5/C+6, O+7/O+6, and Fe+11/Fe+9), and ratios of isotopes for the same elements (3He+2/4He+2, 22Ne+8/20Ne+8, and 26Mg+10/24Mg+10). A data value of -999.9 indicates bad or missing data for the given time period. One data file includes the entire data set. Release notes on Level 2 processing are given in the text file swics_swims_release_notes.txt. The SWIMS and SWICS versions of this data set are identical.
This data set and the associated documents are accessible on-line at NSSDC either by anonymous ftp login at nssdcftp.gsfc.nasa.gov in directory /spacecraft_data/ace/swics_swims/level_2/ or via Web browser at the following URL address:
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Dr. John F. Cooper.
Name | Role | Original Affiliation | |
Dr. Andrew J. Davis | General Contact | California Institute of Technology | asc@srl.caltech.edu |