> I have sent out today a box of 11 disks. The first ten are the preliminary > "total" observations, leaving out the early Greco-Roman stuff and the > Greenland stuff. Each disk has a portion of the total in both Dbase III+ > format, and the same data in ASCII format. There are about 75,000 > observations in this group. The next two disks are observations from > Greenland and Iceland. This includes data from Iceland as a separate entity > for the years 1920-1923. There are differences in frequency between these, > run by the Icelanders, and the previous years, when the Danes were > responsible. One disk contains all the data in Dbase III+ format, the other > has all the data in ASCII format. The final disk has the "final" version of > the early data, up to 1499, and files on the locations of the Asian and > Greco-Roman sites. This disk also has a variety of notes and bibliography, > all in Wordperfect 6 format. I have included a small file, Disk.doc, in > ASCII, which gives a very brief description of each file.
Here is the full text of the "Disk.doc" file mentioned above:
DISK.DOC This file gives a brief description of the various files on this disk. Unless otherwise noted or in *.DBF format, the files were created in Wordperfect 6.0. ABBREV This gives a list of the abbreviations used in the files, and the reference to each of these. BIBLIO This gives an annotated list of references, many of which have been the source of data given by Silverman. PLASIA2.DBF This file includes the geographical coordinates for Asian sites for the period prior to 1500 C.E. In this file the sites are arranged by increasing latitude. The database software used in Dbase III+. The same site may be listed more than once, since they may occur in more than one source. PLASIA2.TXT This file is the ASCII version of PLASIA2.DBF. PLASIA2.NTS This file consists of a series of notes on the database of PLASIA2. PLASIA2A.DBF This file is an alphabetical arrangement of the Asian sites listed in file PLASIA2.DBF. As in that file the database software used is Dbase III+. PLASIA2A.TXT This is the ASCII version of the alphabetical arrangement of the Asian sites. PLCL.DBF This file includes the geographical coordinates, arranged alphabetically, of the classical Greco-Roman sites. Stothers attributions were accepted, and the coordinates were sometimes given by him, sometimes found by myself. Database software was Dbase III+ PLCL.TXT The ASCII version of PLCL.DBF. PLCL1.DBF Geographical coordinates of the classical Greco-Roman sites, arranged in increasing order of latitude. Database software was Dbase III+. PLCL1.TXT The ASCII version of PLCL1.DBF. PRE15F.DBF This file is a catalog of auroras for the time interval prior to 1500 C.E. Software is Dbase III+. PRE15F.TXT The ASCII version of PRE15F.DBF. PRE15F.NTS This file consists of notes to accompany file PRE15F. SILV.BIB This file consists of a number of references relating to aurora, most of which have been used in the smaller compilation of Silverman. SILV.MSC Three miscellaneous notes on aurora papers. SILV.NTS This file consists of a number of auroral annotations which were referred to by Silverman in compiling a short catalog. They include material not used for one reason or another. Dates go up to 1692. SILV1.NTS A continuation of SILV.NTS, containing annotations from 1704 to 1914.