Welcome to the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) /spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov> and
Coordinated Data Analysis (Workshop) Web (CDAWeb) /cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/> Archive !
The Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) hosts the NASA non-solar heliophysics archive
of current and past heliophysics missions and related ground-based and non-NASA data.
The publicly-released data and other files are available via
HTTPS https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/ and FTPS ftp://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/.
FTP access is now only available through FTPS Readme https://spdf.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftps_readme.html.
NASA solar data are held at the Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC).
Unless otherwise noted, the content, data, documentation, code, and related materials associated
with SPDF and its services is public domain and made available with a Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
dedication (further information https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/data_use_policy.html).
The archived data are publicly available at https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/ and https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/ .
If you wish to cite SPDF, CDAWeb and its other services, please use: "NASA Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF);
Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data.org), http://doi.org/10.17616/R3P301", usually followed by the date accessed.
The CDAWeb data service (at https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov) offers graphics, listing,
subsetting and data computation services for a subset of the archived data.
Please report any problems, discrepancies, comments and suggestions to us at
gsfc-spdf-support@lists.nasa.gov. Your input is vital for improving our
Approving NASA Official: Robert M. Candey
(Robert.M.Candey@nasa.gov, 301-286-6707)
Head, Space Physics Data Facility, Code 670
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD 20771 USA
Technical contact: tamara.j.kovalick@nasa.gov; 1-301-286-9422
Relocation of Directories on SPDF/CDAWeb and NSSDCFTP Services:
On 2012 September 24-26, SPDF re-named and re-structured its FTP and HTTP
accessible directories to create a unified structure that merged in the legacy
heliophysics data holdings previously served by the National Space Science Data
Center (NSSDC) on nssdcftp.gsfc.nasa.gov. The responsibility for the final
archiving of heliophysics data has been transferred from NSSDC to SPDF (for
non-solar instruments) and to Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC) (for solar
instruments). SPDF will also serve some legacy solar instrument data for awhile.
All heliophysics data and other files previously accessible separately from
NSSDCftp or CDAWeb are accessible from any of the addresses
, ,
and .
Other SPDF services are unchanged. FTP access is now only available through
A preliminary list of directories moved (current and new locations) is posted at
. The list does not entirely
reflect all of the final moves. Changes to CDAWeb data are listed first and
the move from NSSDCftp is listed second.
General ReadMe for the CDAWeb data directories:
Mission data are located in pub/data directories for each mission, with
subdirectories for specific spacecraft and instruments, followed by dataset
directories for each instrument, and finally yearly or day of year (doy)
directories containing data files that are mostly in Common Data Format (CDF)
Many of these individual data files have incomplete internal descriptions of
the physical meaning of their parameters. Better metadata can usually be found
in what we call "master CDFs". Master CDFs are CDF files that contain only the
metadata attributes for a given dataset and its variables; these metadata
improve on and generally over-ride the metadata in the data files. All public
CDAWeb master CDFs can be downloaded from
or their corresponding skeleton files
All CDF files can be opened and read with the CDF distribution software found
at . The content of these data files joined with the
master CDF metadata is best accessed (plot, list in ASCII, file download of
selected variables and times) using the CDAWeb user interface at
. These functions are also available via web
services .
IDL users may also find useful the CDAWlib software library at
and the CDFX display and
listing tool at .
Comments are Welcome!
Please feel free to send your comments, suggestions, and other thoughts about this section directly to
SPDF Support at email: NASA-SPDF-Support@nasa.onmicrosoft.com
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Page last updated 2024 October 9