;run @compile_cdaweb before executing ;checkfiles looks through a given directory worth of CDF files and looks for ;variables with a display_type attribute equal to whatever the plottype ;keyword is set to, or SPECTROGRAM by default. Once it finds a variable of ;with the given plottype, then it looks to see whether it has a scalemin/max ;and or validmin/max attribute and compares their values. It prints out ;its findings to an output file specified by the outfile keyword or to ;output.lis by default. ; ;written by Tami Kovalick, March 1, 2001 ; ;Copyright 1996-2013 United States Government as represented by the ;Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ;All Rights Reserved. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; pro checkfiles, plottype=plottype, indir=indir, outfile=outfile, debug=debug if keyword_set(plottype) then plottype=strupcase(plottype) else plottype = 'SPECTROGRAM' if keyword_set(indir) then input_files = indir + '*.cdf' else $ input_files = '/ncf/rumba1/istp/0MASTERS/*.cdf' if keyword_set(outfile) then outfile=outfile else outfile = 'output.lis' ;get the list of cdf files in this directory cdffiles = findfile(input_files) ;open the output report file openw, lun, outfile, /get_lun printf, lun, 'Processing ',n_elements(cdffiles),' cdf files in the ',input_files,' directory.' printf, lun, ' ' printf, lun, 'Looking for variables with their display_type set to ',plottype !quiet = 1 ;turn off cdf messages for i = 0, n_elements(cdffiles)-1 do begin vars = ' ' buf = read_mycdf(vars,cdffiles[i],/all) printf, lun, ' ' printf, lun,'Processing dataset ',cdffiles[i] if (n_tags(buf) ge 1) then begin for j = 0, n_tags(buf) - 1 do begin atags = tag_names(buf.(j)) index = tagindex('VARNAME',atags) if (index ge 0) then varname = buf.(j).(index) index = tagindex('DISPLAY_TYPE',atags) ;initialize variables validmin = 0 validmax = 0 scalemin = 0 scalemin = 0 if (index ge 0) then begin ;display_type exists display_type = buf.(j).(index) index = tagindex('VALIDMIN',atags) if (index ge 0) then validmin = buf.(j).(index) else validmin = 'N_D' index = tagindex('VALIDMAX',atags) if (index ge 0) then validmax = buf.(j).(index) else validmax = 'N_D' index = tagindex('SCALEMIN',atags) if (index ge 0) then scalemin = buf.(j).(index) else scalemin = 'N_D' index = tagindex('SCALEMAX',atags) if (index ge 0) then scalemax = buf.(j).(index) else scalemin = 'N_D' ;check for the cases where we have additional syntax, e.g. ;spectrogram>x=epoch,y=flux,z=energy a = break_mystring(display_type, delimiter='>') asize = size(a) if (asize(1) eq 2) then begin printf, lun, 'display_type being reset to ',a[0] display_type = a[0] endif if (strupcase(display_type) eq plottype) then begin printf, lun, ' ' printf, lun, 'Varname = ',varname, ' d_t = ',display_type,' vmin = ',validmin, ' vmax = ',validmax, ' smin = ',scalemin, ' smax = ',scalemax if (validmin ne scalemin) then printf, lun, 'vmin and smin not equal' if (validmax ne scalemax) then printf, lun, 'vmax and smax not equal' ;now check the depend 1 for this variable index = tagindex('DEPEND_1',atags) if (index ge 0) then depend_1 = buf.(j).(index) ; RCJ 05/15/2013 But if alt_cdaweb_depend1 exists, use it for depend_1: index = tagindex('ALT_CDAWEB_DEPEND_1',atags) if (index[0] ne -1) then if (buf.(j).(index) ne '') then depend_1= buf.(j).(index) if (depend_1 ne ' ') then begin comm = execute('depend_struct = buf.'+depend_1) vtags = tag_names(depend_struct) index = tagindex('VALIDMIN',vtags) if (index ge 0) then validmin = depend_struct.(index) else validmin = 'N_D' index = tagindex('VALIDMAX',vtags) if (index ge 0) then validmax = depend_struct.(index) else validmax = 'N_D' index = tagindex('SCALEMIN',vtags) if (index ge 0) then scalemin = depend_struct.(index) else scalemin = 'N_D' index = tagindex('SCALEMAX',vtags) if (index ge 0) then scalemax = depend_struct.(index) else scalemin = 'N_D' printf, lun, ' ' printf, lun, 'Depend 1 Varname = ',depend_1,' vmin = ',validmin, ' vmax = ',validmax, ' smin = ',scalemin, ' smax = ',scalemax if (validmin ne scalemin) then printf, lun, 'vmin and smin not equal' if (validmax ne scalemax) then printf, lun, 'vmax and smax not equal' endif ; if depend_1 is defined endif ; if display_type matches the one we're looking for endif ; if display_type attribute is set endfor ;the list of variables endif endfor ; the list of cdf printf, lun, 'End of processing. ' free_lun, lun !quiet = 0 ;turn on cdf messages end